Student classroom software development projects: a practitioners perspective: panel discussion

The development of software involves the strategic integration of processes. These sorts of projects are integrative at all stages of the system development life cycle and concern issues of available technology services, infrastructure, components, as well as people. Uncertainty in the outcome and scope of the project can be very high during the inception stage. Being systematic at the outset and throughout a software development project provides for a better understanding of the scope of the problem to be addressed, a more applicable vision for a solution, and an empirical estimate of the overall project feasibility and success. Due to these and other issues encountered when developing software, adopting a software engineering approach has become an increasingly important topic of debate in the computer science and software engineering literature [3, 4, 5, 6]. This debate has a direct impact on the application of model curriculum and ideological principles advocated as "best-practice" in CS and SE education.