The detection of IgE by radio allergosorbent technique (R.A.S.T.) and ELISA in Egyptian cases of schistosomiasis.
Studies were carried out on the radioallergosorbent test (R.A.S.T.) in comparison with the Elisa for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis. Using sera from known S. mansoni, S. haematobium and both S. mansoni and S. haematobium cases, R.A.S.T. showed high sensitivity; 72%, 55% and 75% respectively, in the detection and quantification of specific IgE antibodies. While in case of ELISA only 20% of patients were positive. With control sera, both tests showed 100% negative. It is concluded that R.A.S.T. is more specific and superior than ELISA for IgE detection in schistosomiasis.