The Role of Intraperitoneal Intraoperative Chemotherapy with Paclitaxel in the Surgical Treatment of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis from Ovarian Cancer—Hyperthermia versus Normothermia: A Randomized Controlled Trial
A. Romero-Ruiz | J. Briceño-Delgado | J. Briceño | M. A. Fernández-Peralbo | L. Ródriguez-Ortiz | M. de Castro | F. C. Muñoz-Casares | J. Sánchez-Hidalgo | Á. Arjona-Sánchez | S. Rufián-Peña | A. Casado-Adam | Teresa Caro-Cuenca | C. Hervás‐Martínez | R. Ortega-Salas | A. Romero Ruiz | Cristóbal Muñoz-Casares | L. Rodriguez-Ortiz | Á. Casado-Adam | María Dolores Luque-de-Castro