Multiresolutional encoding and decoding in embedded image and video coders

We address multiresolutional encoding and decoding within the embedded zerotree wavelet (EZW) framework for both images and video. By varying a resolution parameter, one can obtain decoded images at different resolutions from one single encoded bitstream, which is already rate scalable for EZW coders. Similarly one can decode video sequences at different rates and different spatial and temporal resolutions from one bitstream. Furthermore, a layered bitstream can be generated with multiresolutional encoding, from which the higher resolution layers can be used to increase the spatial/temporal resolution of the images/video obtained from the low resolution layer. In other words, we have achieved full scalability in rate and partial scalability in space and time. This added spatial/temporal scalability is significant for emerging multimedia applications such as fast decoding, image/video database browsing, telemedicine, multipoint video conferencing, and distance learning.