Programming the Raspberry Pi: Getting Started with Python

Chapter 1. Introduction What is the Raspberry Pi? What can you do with a Raspberry Pi? A Tour of the Raspberry Pi Setting Up Booting Up Summary Chapter 2. Getting Started Linux The Desktop The Internet Applications Internet Resources Summary Chapter 3. Python Basics What is a Programming Language? IDLE Numbers Variables For Loops Simulating Dice If While Summary Chapter 4. Strings, Lists and Dictionaries String Theory Lists Functions Hangman Dictionaries Tuples Exceptions Summary of Functions Summary Chapter 5. Modules, Classes and Methods Modules Object-Orientation Defining Classes Inheritance Summary Chapter 6. Files and Internet Files Pickling Internet Summary Chapter 7. Graphical User Interfaces Tkinter Hello World Temperature Converter Other GUI Widgets Dialogs Menus The Canvas Summary Chapter 8. Games Programming What is Pygame? Hello Pygame A Raspberry Game Summary Chapter 9. Interfacing Hardware GPIO Pin Connections Direct connection to GPIO Pins Expansion Boards Prototyping Boards Arduino and Pi Summary Chapter 10. Prototyping Project (Clock) What You Need Hardware Assembly Software Phase Two Summary Chapter 11. The RaspiRobot What You Need Phase 1. A Basic Rover Hardware Assembly Phase 2. Adding a Rangefinder and Screen Summary Chapter 12. What Next? Linux Resources Python Resources Raspberry Pi Specific Resources Other Programming Languages Applications and Projects Summary