High speed ultrasound/acoustic database of lingual articulation in preadolescents and adults
The database was collected within an ESRC-funded research project (RES-000-22-4075), Principal Investigator Dr Natalia Zharkova. The data consist of ultrasound video recordings of tongue movement (at 100 Hz), synchronised with the audio signal. There are 15 adult and 15 preadolescent speakers. The data are stored in two formats: 1) AVI video (e.g. "Adult1.7z"); 2) internal format used by the Articulate Assistant Advanced software (e.g. "Adult1_AAA.7z"). The database also includes text files exported from the Articulate Assistant Advanced software, with x-y coordinates representing the curves fitted to every tongue shape throughout each repetition of the consonants /s/ and /sh/ in two different vowel contexts (2 consonants x 2 vowel contexts x 30 speakers). The data have been archived using 7-zip software (freely available, http://www.7-zip.org/).
Database citation:
Zharkova, Natalia (2011). High speed ultrasound/acoustic database of lingual articulation in preadolescents and adults [data-set]. Queen Margaret University data repository. Available from http://edata.qmu.ac.uk/14/