Grid workflow applications are emerging as one of the most interesting application classes for the Grid. In this paper we present A-GWL, a novel Grid workflow language to describe the workflow of Grid applications at a high level of abstraction. A-GWL has been designed to allow the user to concentrate on describing scientific Grid applications. The user is shielded from details of the underlying Grid infrastructure. A-GWL is XML-based which defines a graph of activities that refers to computational tasks or user interactions. Activities are connected by control- and data-flow links. We have defined A-GWL to support the user in orchestrating Grid workflow applications through a rich set of constructs including sequence of activities, sub-activities, control-flow mechanisms (sequential flow, exclusive choice, and sequential loops), data-flow mechanisms (input/output ports), and data repositories. Moreover, our work differs from most existing Grid workflow languages by advanced workflow constructs such as parallel execution of activities with pre- and post-conditions, parallel loops, event-based synchronization mechanisms, and property-based selection of activities. In addition, the user can specify high-level constraints and properties for activities and data-flow links.
Jan Mendling,et al.
Business Process Execution Language for Web Services
EMISA Forum.
Language Specification
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language.
Tony Andrews.
Business Process Execution Language for Web Services Version 1.1
Roberto Gorrieri,et al.
Towards a Formal Treatment of Secrecy Against Computational Adversaries
Global Computing.
Thomas Fahringer,et al.
Towards an UML Based Graphical Representation of Grid Workflow Applications
European Across Grids Conference.
Gregor von Laszewski,et al.
GSFL: A Workflow Framework for Grid Services
Matjaz B. Juric,et al.
Business process execution language for web services
S. Krishnan,et al.
2 XLANG : Web Services for Business Process Design
M. Z. Muehlen,et al.
Workflow Management Coalition