Galois connections and applications

Preface M. Erne Adjunctions and Galois Connections: Origins, History and Development G. Janelidze Categorical Galois Theory: Revision and Some Recent Developments M. Erne The Polarity between Approximation and Distribution K. Denecke, S.L. Wismath Galois Connections and Complete Sublattices R. Poschel Galois Connections for Operations and Relations K. Kaarli Galois Connections and Polynomial Completeness K. Glazek, St. Niwczyk Q-Independence and Weak Automorphisms A. Szendrei A Survey of Clones Closed Under Conjugation P. Burmeister Galois Connections for Partial Algebras K. Denecke, S.L. Wismath Complexity of Terms and the Galois Connection Id-Mod J. Lambek Iterated Galois Connections in Arithmetic and Linguistics I. Chajda, R. Halas Deductive Systems and Galois Connections J. Slapal A Galois Correspondence for Digital Topology W. Gahler Galois Connections in Category Theory, Topology and Logic R. Wille Dyadic Mathematics - Abstractions from Logical Thought Index