ErrorControl using Nonsystematic TurboCodesforWireless ATM Networks
WATM Networkssupport several typesof traffic streamincluding data,voiceandvideowith different QoSrequirements. Duetotheeffects offading, multi-path propagation andinterference, thewireless link ischaracterized byahigher andmorevariable error rate. Thishasnecessitated errorcontrol codingforWATM networks inordertoinsulate theATM networklayer fromwireless channel impairments. Inthispaper, the nonsystematic turbocodesisintroduced toWATM networks astheconvergence behaviour ofnonsystematic feedbackconvolutional encoders showedthatthese encoders canbeusedasconstituent encoders inaparallel concatenated (turbo) coding scheme. We havesimulated theBER performance forWATM networks.
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