Fetal magnetocardiography (fMCG) registers the magnetic field generated by the fetal heart. In contrast to the fetal electrocardiogram, fECG permits non-invasive registration of fetal heart activity and documentation of all parts of the PQRST-wave-forms from the second trimenon onwards. This facilitates the determination of cardiac time intervals and establishment of reference values for different stages of pregnancy. We examined 53 women in 104 recordings from the 10th week of gestation onwards (1 to 10 recordings per individual). The fMCG (37 magnetic channels, sampling rate 1024 Hz, bandwidth 1-200 Hz) was recorded non-invasively over the mother's abdomen in a magnetically shielded room. Registration of fetal heart beats was generally successful from the 20/21th week of gestation onwards. In a few cases, fetal heart beats could be registered as early as in the 16th week. Cardiac time intervals and amplitudes of fMCG increased concordantly with fetal growth. Mean P wave duration increased from 31 to 49 ms (p < 0.05), PQ interval from 95 to 107 ms (n.s.) and QRS duration from 36 to 52 ms (p < 0.01). The mean amplitudes of the P and R waves also increased. FMCG, furthermore permits a prenatal diagnosis of fetal cardiac arrhythmias. We recorded fetal arrhythmias in 20 cases (26-38th week), including episodes of ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias or atrioventricular blockings. Due to its high resolution, fMCG offers new information on the development of fetal cardiac activity which cannot be achieved by conventional methods like cardiotocography or dopplerultrasound. Therefore, fMCG could become a new diagnostic instrument for monitoring fetal wellbeing during pregnancy.