Surveys on the accreditation of providers of proficiency testing and external quality assessment schemes

Two surveys among providers of proficiency testing (PT) and external quality assessment (EQA) schemes were carried out during 2004 and 2005. The main objectives were to explore the current status of accreditation/certification and collect the providers’ views. Information based on the response from 160 providers in 32 countries reveals a strong tendency towards accreditation of PT/EQA. It is shown that this type of accreditation is based on several combinations of normative documents, hence illustrating a lack of harmonisation of national accreditation bodies. The surveys also show that schemes are operated under considerably different conditions and that providers’ competence may or may not be underpinned by other certification and/or accreditation. This paper elaborates on a number of issues related to PT/EQA accreditation, including customers’ views, normative documents, providers’ experience from the accreditation process, views expressed by international organisations, and effects of accreditation on participation fees, quality and availability.