Cloud Computing is more than a technology. It is more than a platform. It is more than just a hosting provider. It is more than just an application hosted as a service. It is more than providing storage services on the Internet. It is a combination of all the above. Cloud computing allows consumers and businesses to use applications without installation and access their personal files at any computer with internet access. This technology allows for much more efficient computing by centralizing storage, memory, processing and bandwidth. A simple example of cloud computing is Yahoo email, Gmail, or Hotmail etc. You don't need software or a server to use them. All a consumer would need is just an internet connection and you can start sending emails, The server and email management software is all on the cloud ( internet) and is totally managed by the cloud service provider Yahoo , Google etc. But in data privacy protection and data retrieval control is one of the most challenging research work in cloud computing, because of users can store their confidential data in storage cloud which is provided by the service provider. Service provider must provides the authentication for valid user otherwise the security must reduce and the cloud computing system may collapse. It's service provider's responsibility that saves the end users data with security. For these issues regarding security and privacy this paper implies some efficient ways to overcome the limitations and drawbacks of cloud computing. This Paper mainly focus on the core concept of secured cloud storage i.e. it suggests separating the encryption and decryption process from storage process for achieving more security measures. This paper introduces a user interface model i.e. Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The CRM is actually a connecting application which connects user to any system. So we purposefully uses CRM for user interface. A CRM service is described in this paper as an example to proposed business model and usability for end user. This service consists of three cloud systems, which are an encryption, and decryption system, a storage system, and a CRM application system. One service provider operates the encryption and decryption system while other providers operate the storage Even for security and data integrity we supposed to implement the One Time Password Authentication (OTP) including email updates and application systems, according to the core concept of the proposed computing model.
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