The theoretical foundation of dendritic function: Selected papers of Wilfrid Rall with commentaries

Part 1 Introduction: overview of Wilfred Rall's contributions to understanding dendritic function, Idan Segev, John Rinzel and Gordon M. Shepherd. Part 2 Cable properties of neurons with complex dendritic trees: Rall (1957) membrane time constant of motoneurons Rall (1959) branching dendritic trees and motoneuron membrane resistivity Rall (1960) membrane potential transients and membrane time constant of motoneurons. Part 3 Interpreting extracellular field potentials from neurons with dendritic trees: introduction to Rall (1962), Donald R. Humphrey editorial comment with an excerpt from Rall (1992). Part 4 Compartmental method for modelling neurons and the analysis of dendritic integration: Rall (1964) theoretical significance of dendritic trees for neuronal input-output relations. Part 5 Models of olfactory bulb neurons and dendrodendritic synaptic interactions: introduction, Gordon M. Shepherd with supplemental comments by Milton Brightman Rall, Shepherd, Reese and Brightman (1966) dendrodendritic synaptic pathway for inhibition in the olfactory bulb Rall and Shepherd (1968) theoretical reconstruction of field potentials and dendrodendritic synaptic interactions in olfactory bulb. Part 6 Motoneuron models of distributed dendritic synapses and mechanisms of nonlinear synaptic interactions: Rall (1967) distinguishing theoretical synaptic potentials computed for different soma-dendritic distributions of synaptic input. Part 7 Equalizing time constants and electrotonic length of dendrites: Rall (1969) time constants and electrotonic length of membrane cylinders and neurons. Part 8 Analysis of response to single inputs in a complex dendritic tree: introduction, Charles Wilson with supplemental comments by John Rinzel Rall and Rinzel (1973) branch input resistance and steady attenuation for input to one branch of a dendritic neuron model Rinzel and Rall (1974) transient response in a dendritic neuron model for current injected at one branch. Part 9 Effects of changing diameter on impulse propagation: Goldstein and Rall (1974) changes of action potential shape and velocity for changing core conductor geometry. Part 10 Dendritic spines - plasticity, learning and active amplification: introduction, Gordon M. Shepherd with supplemental comments by John Miller Rall (1974) dendritic spines, synaptic potency and neuronal plasticity Miller, Rall and Rinzel (1985) synaptic amplification by active membrane in dendritic spines. (Part contents).