Influence of method of presentation on results of plant‐host preference tests with two species of grasshopper

Leaf material of two Piper spp. (Piperaceae) was presented to two different generalist herbivores (Orthoptera: Acrididae) to determine whether method of leaf presentation in preference trials affects choice. For the grasshopper Leptomerinthoprora brevipennis, the method of presentation had no effect on preference ranking: more of Piper sancti‐felicis was eaten than of P. arieianum, regardless of whether leaf material was presented as leaf disks, whole leaves supplemented with water, or whole leaves without water. In contrast, preference of the grasshopper Abracis flavolineata depended on presentation method. In that case, whole leaves of P. sancti‐felicis supplemented with water were preferred over the same of P. arieianum, while dry weight consumption of leaf disks of P. arieianum was greater than that for disks of P. sancti‐felicis. When presented with leaves not supplemented with water, A. flavolineata showed no significant preference for one plant species over another.