A case study of turbulence in the stable nocturnal boundary layer

Velocity and signal intensity data during stable conditions in the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL) were obtained with a minisodar on two consecutive nights with similar mean conditions. There was little turbulence activity during the first night, but during the second night, continuous background Kelvin-Helmholtz waves and instabilities having a 2-min period grew and penetrated above the mean NBL height at approximately 60-min intervals. Enhanced ozone concentrations at the surface occurred during the active periods even though most mean meteorological parameters were unchanged. Vertical profiles of vertical velocity standard deviation, dissipation rate, and temperature variance destruction rate in the NBL were measured and analyzed separately according to levels of turbulence activity. Well-defined differences between inactive and active periods of a factor of two to four were found for each parameter. The temperature structure parameter flux was large and in opposite directions in the upper and lower part of the NBL during active periods of turbulence, but small during other periods.

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