Modeling safety requirements of an FMS using Petri-nets

This paper is concerned with the modelling of safety requirements using Petri nets as a tool to model and simulate a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS). The FMS cell described comprises a pick and place robot, a multi-head drilling machine together with a vision system and illustrates how the hierarchical structure of Petri nets can be used to ensure that all fail- safe requirements are satisfied; block diagrams together with fully detailed example Petri nets are given. The work demonstrates the use of cell and robot control Petro nets together with robot subnets for the x, y and z axes and associated output nets; the control and output nets are linked together with a safety net. Individual machines are linked with the control and safety nets of an FMS at cell level. The paper also illustrates how a Petri net can act as a decision maker during image inspection and identifies the unsafe conditions that can arise within an FMS.