Effect of E-Commerce Innovation, E-Service Quality, and Product Diversity on Customer Loyalty Through Marketplace Image in Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to determine the direct effect of e-commerce innovation, e-service quality, and product diversity on customer loyalty, as well as the indirect influence through the image of the marketplace in Madura Island. The analytical technique used in this research is the Structural Equation Model analysis with SamrtPls. The results in this study found that 1) the E-Commerce Innovation variable have a direct influence on the Marketplace Image. 2) the E-CommerceiInnovation variableihasia direct effection Customer Loyality. 3) the E-ServiceeQualityyvariable has a direct effect on the Marketplace Image. 4) the E-ServiceiQualityyvariable has a direct effect oniCustomer Loyality. 5) the Product Diversity variable has a direct effect on the Marketplace Image. 6) Product Diversity variable has a direct effect on Customer Loyalty. 7) the Marketplace Image variable has a direct effect on Customer Loyalty. 8) the E-Commerce Innovationi variable has an indirect effect on Customer Loyality through Marketplace Image. 9) the E-Service Quality variable has an indirect effect on Customer Loyalty through the Marketplace Image. 10) Product Diversity variable has an indirect effect on Marketplace Image through CustomeriLoyalty.