The present study evaluates psychosocial work demands during the annual outage for a maintenance work group in a nuclear power plant. The study is based on a stress paradigm and it has been asserted that increased work strain would have a negative effect on performance. Nineteen workers, aged 20–55 years, participated in the study. The subjects filled out a questionnaire comparing work strain during annual outage and normal operation. During the outage period a 3-shift 24-hour work schedule, including nightwork, was used (working hours during normal operation was 07–16). Increased demands on concentration and vigilance, increased time pressure and strain on social relations within the group were found to characterize work during annual outage. Interestingly, for specific work tasks an association was found between the risk of making errors and high psychological workload. Increased work strain, shiftwork including nightwork and reduced social support are important psychosocial risk factors that might contribute to human error during the outage period.
J. Shaoul.
Human Error
G. Hockey.
Changes in operator efficiency as a function of environmental stress, fatigue, and circadian rhythms.
Robert Karasek,et al.
Job decision latitude and mental strain: Implications for job redesign
T Akerstedt,et al.
Shift work. Shift-dependent well-being and individual differences.
P. Hancock,et al.
A Dynamic Model of Stress and Sustained Attention
Human factors.
Ulf Lundberg,et al.
Psychophysiological aspects of performance and adjustment to stress.