Signal processing architecture for a single radar node in a networked radar environment (NETRAD)

Radar data are collected, processed, and archived at sensing nodes and transmitted in near real-time to a central node. The sensing node computer (SNC) at each node executes application-level programs aimed to resolve the challenges due to the higher frequency operation and the networked radar environment, as well as to integrate radar observations. The essential functions of the SNC include clutter filtering, rangevelocity ambiguity mitigation, estimation of radar parameters, and attenuation correction. This paper describes the applicationlevel architecture required for radar data processing in realtime at the SNC. The architecture of this SNC is critical because of real-time requirements for the highly intensive radar signal processing. The architecture is designed based on the simultaneous operation of multi-processes and multi-threads. The design also considers the optimal-distribution of the tasks into the processes and threads.