The Load Distribution in Bolted or Riveted Joints in Light-Alloy Structures

This report contains a theoretical discussion of the load distribution in bolted or riveted joints in light-alloy structures which is applicable not only for loads below the limit of proportionality but also for loads above this limit. The theory is developed for double and single shear joints. The methods given are illustrated by numerical examples and the values assumed for the bolt (or rivet) stiffnesses are based partly on theory and partly on known experimental values. It is shown that the load distribution does not vary greatly with the bolt (or rivet) stiffnesses and that for design purposes it is usually sufficient to know their order of magnitude. The theory may also be directly used for spot-welded structures and, with small modifications, for seam-welded structures, The computational work involved in the methods described is simple and may be completed in a reasonable time for most practical problems. A summary of earlier theoretical and experimental investigations on the subject is included in the report.