Recently, in regards to vehicle steering control system based on steer by wire (SBW), the relationship between the vehicle response and steering input could change flexibly. There are some previous studies (e.g. H∞, LQG, Model Matching etc. ) to similar researches, but these researches are mutually exclusive for the desired response and robustness. We report the evaluation results of the robust steering control law by combination of model matching and optimal observer, which can realize compatible of vehicle desired response and robust characteristics to steer input disturbance simultaneously. Generally, this offered system can accommodate to develop the SBW system which realize compatible of vehicle desired response and robust characteristics to steer input disturbance simultaneously. Especially, the function to eliminate the input disturbance allows the efficient design to develop the vehicle control law realize compatible of the maneuverability and dynamic stability involving the static stability characteristics. The control plant, which abstracts the actual vehicle characteristics by linear bicycle model using the linear cornering stiffness, is positioned as the evaluation tool to verify the desired response and the robustness of offered control law. Although this linear bicycle model plant is positioned for the evaluation tool, in accordance with this research developing, we would verify the effect of this control law to the actual vehicle characteristics.
Yutaka Hirano,et al.
Development of Robust Active Rear Steering Control for Automobile
Yutaka Hirano,et al.
Development of Robust Active Rear Streering Control for Automobile
Shigeyuki Hosoe,et al.
Robust Control for Automotive Steering System
正夫 永井,et al.
操舵トルクを制御入力とする車線追従制御の検討 : 第2報,操舵トルク制御系の設計とロバスト性の確認(機械力学,計測,自動制御)
Mohinder S. Grewal,et al.
Global Positioning Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration
Hiroshi Mouri,et al.
Comparison of the performance of parallel two-wheeled inverted pendulum
Shuichi Adachi,et al.
Automated Steering Control Systems Design for Passenger Vehicle in Consideration of Vehicle Parameters' Uncertainties