Emission-line and continuum properties of 92 bright QSOs : luminosity dependence and differences between radio-selected and optically selected samples

The emission line and continuum properties of new spectra of 92 QSOs are investigated. A detailed deconvolution of the semiforbidden C III 1909 A blend reveals that the secondary feature is almost certainly Al III 1859 A. A study of the Mg II 2800 A emission-line profiles suggests that the broad 'shoulders' often observed are probably intrinsic to the Mg II emission line. It is shown that the QSOs discovered by slitless spectroscopic methods do not differ significantly from those discovered by UV excess surveys. Significant correlations with luminosity are found for W(Mg II), W(semiforbidden C III), I(C III)/I(Mg II), and the continuum ratio fv(1909 A)/fv(2800 A). All of the significant correlations are substantially stronger for a radio-selected subsample compared to a radio-quiet subsample. The C IV and semiforbidden C III emission lines each have a mean blueshift relative to Mg II of 450 km/s while semiforbidden C IV has a mean blueshift relative to semiforbidden C III of 200 km/s.