'Generation Facebook' - A Cognitive Calculus Model of Teenage User Behavior on Social Network Sites

With the growing popularity of Facebook, the number of teenage users has significantly increased. Parents and teachers observe this development critically as they fear that teenagers are prone to over-engage in pleasant activities and neglect the risks connected with information revelation. This paper adopts an explorative approach in order to investigate what motivates and hinders teenagers to use SNS and how using this medium affects their identities. By applying Grounded Theory to analyze data obtained in interviews, we formulate a conceptual model of teenage behavior on Facebook. We find that teenagers behave rationally on SNS, consciously weighing the benefits against the costs and acting in accordance with their preferences. Shared information and the diversified network structure allow teenagers to obtain support in school-related matters, broaden their horizon and intensify relationships with their peers. At the same time, peer and parental pressure play a significant role in this process.

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