International trade and economic dynamics : essays in memory of Koji Shimomura
Static Theory of International Trade Under Perfect Competition.- Koji Shimomura: Emerging Trade Theorist.- Rybczynski's Diagram and the Stolper/Samuelson Theorem.- On Trade Gains and International Disparities in Factor Proportions.- A Modified Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem Under Quasilinear Utility Functions.- External Economies of Scale and Comparative Advantage.- Is Free Trade Optimal for a Small Open Economy with Tourism?.- Factor Mobility and Wage Inequality.- A Pareto Improvement in Customs Unions Without Intra-Union Transfer.- Environment and the Harris and Todaro Paradoxes.- Trade Policy and Illegal Immigration.- Static Theory of International Trade Under Imperfect Competition.- Trade in Counterfeit Organic Products.- Foreign Economic Aid and Trade Liberalization Under Imperfect Competition.- Quota as a Competitive Device.- Successive Expansion and Stability of Network Integration in International Trade.- Endogenous Leadership with and without Policy Intervention: International Trade When Producer and Seller Differ.- Trading Under Strategic Self-Constraint: Conceptual Issues and Factual Evidence.- Dynamic Theory of International Trade.- Dynamic Labor Standards Under International Oligopoly.- Quotas Under Dynamic Bertrand Competition.- Imported Inputs: Dynamic Effects on Economic Growth.- Multiplicity and Stability of Equilibrium in Trade Models with Durable Goods.- Import Tariffs and Growth in a Model with Habits.- Preference Structure and Volatility in a Financially Integrated World.- Macroeconomic Dynamics.- Efficient Fiscal Policy Restrictions in a Monetary Union.- The Effects of Factor Taxation in Dynamic Economies with Externalities and Endogenous Labor Supply.- Status Seeking and Bubbles.- On the Role of the Rate of Time Preference in Macroeconomics: A Survey.- Characterization of Equilibrium Paths in a Two-Sector Economy with CES Production Functions and Sector-Specific Externality.- Tobin's "Keynesian Models of Recessions and Depression" Revisited.- Inflation Dynamics and the Cross-Sectional Distribution of Prices in the E.U. Periphery.- Macro Dynamics and Labor-Saving Innovation: US vs. Japan.- Compensation, Entrepreneurship, and Price Leadership.- Entrepreneurship, Organization Capital, and the Evolution of the Firm.- On Yano's Price Leadership Game.- Vilfredo Pareto's Principle of Compensation.