The Psychology of Learning Science
Contents Part I:Frameworks for Learning Science. S.M. Glynn, R.H. Yeany, B.K. Britton, A Constructive View of Learning Science. A.B. Champagne, D.M. Bunce, Learning-Theory-Based Science Teaching. E.L. Smith, A Conceptual Change Model of Learning Science. R. Duit, Students' Conceptual Frameworks: Consequences for Learning Science. Part II:Conceptual Development and Learning Science. J. Stepans, Developmental Patterns in Students' Understanding of Physics Concepts. J.S. Krajcik, Developing Students' Understanding of Chemical Concepts. S. Vosniadou, Conceptual Development in Astronomy. J.J. Mintzes, J.E. Trowbridge, M.W. Arnaudin, J.H. Wandersee, Children's Biology: Studies on Conceptual Development in the Life Sciences. Part III:Methods and Media for Learning Science. M.J. Padilla, Science Activities, Process Skills, and Thinking. S.M. Glynn, Explaining Science Concepts: A Teaching-With- Analogies Model. P.E. Simmons, Learning Science in Software Microworlds.