ERRAC Roadmap. Towards 2030: Energy, Noise and Vibration European Railway Roadmaps

The European Rail Research Advisory Council (ERRAC) as a European Technology Platform and an advisory body to the European Commission is advising on the research needs of European rail stakeholders. From 2009 to 2012, ERRAC focuses on concrete and detailed roadmaps on common European RD they define how to focus research efforts of the European railway industry in order to face increased emphasis on energy efficiency, environmental impact, design and the need to prepare for changes, reduced availability (and further disappearing) of fossil fuels. This WP is leaded by Christophe Cheron, SNCF, co-leaded by Manfred Walter, Knorr Bremse AG, gathers stakeholders from railway operators, industry and academic research and universities. The Energy roadmap raised that the use of energy by the European railway sector is efficient (compared to others modes), but even for railways, savings are unavoidable, as progressing towards a free carbon economy. So the research efforts should consider: • The development of the regeneration of energy (re-use of kinetic (braking) energy) through the smart grids concepts, managed in a system view or infrastructure or by sub-systems. • Hybridisation of energy for diesel rolling stock. • Implementation of storing systems (batteries, supercaps, flywheels). • Energy efficient operation management (efficient driving, fluidification, etc.). • Lighter rolling stock, management of the auxiliaries’ consumption, next generation of power semi-conductor. The noise and vibration roadmaps raised the following mainlines: • Keeping the acoustic performance of the system (train and infrastructure) throughout its whole life. • A new breakthrough in noise reduction – how to succeed minus 5-10 dB or more? • Sustainable sound quality. • Ground borne vibration: towards a better knowledge for control.