spray Pattern Displacement Measurements of TK-SS2.5 Flood Tip Nozzles

ABSTRACT Effect of nozzle orientation, nozzle spacing, nozzle pressure, and wind velocity on Spray Pattern Displacement (SPD) were determined for Spraying Systems Co.'s TK-SS2.5 flood tip nozzles using an experimental spray table. The SPD measurement values were computed for 48 treatment conditions (2 nozzle spacings x 3 nozzle orientations x 2 nozzle pressures x 4 wind velocities). Except for the nozzle pressure, all independent factors significantly (P <0.05) affected the SPD measurements. Nozzles oriented horizontally-and-down (vertical downward discharge) had lower SPD values than that when oriented vertically down and facing rearward (horizontal discharge) (Fig. 1). Nozzles spaced 0.51 m had lower SPD values than that produced by nozzles spaced 0.76 m. As expected, nozzles operating under high cross winds of 4.46 m/s had the highest SPD values.