PETRA: A 22nm 6.97TFLOPS/W AIB-Enabled Configurable Matrix and Convolution Accelerator Integrated with an Intel Stratix 10 FPGA

PETRA is a configurable FP16 matrix multiplication and convolution accelerator designed to be 2.5D integrated using Advanced Interface Bus (AIB). PETRA is built upon four 16×16 systolic arrays, but it employs a configurable H-tree accumulation to improve both the latency and the utilization by up to 8×. A 22nm 3.04mm2 PETRA prototype provides 1.433TFLOPS in computing matrix-matrix multiplication (MMM) and convolution (conv) at 0.88V, and it achieves a 6.97TFLOPS/W peak efficiency at 0.7V. PETRA is integrated with an Intel Stratix 10 FPGA in a multi-chip package (MCP) to provide the flexibility of FPGA and the performance and efficiency of PETRA.