Numerical analysis of single event burnout of power MOSFETs

The single event burnout (SEB) phenomenon of power MOSFETs has been analyzed using a numerical device simulator code. It is found that the vertical current along the ion track directly indices the forward bias state of the source/p-body junction. It is also found that the current is governed by the conductivity of the plasma column. For the second peak of the EPICS spectra, a position-independent charge collection mechanism was also explained by the vertical current along the ion track. Experimental data obtained with EPICS (energetic particle induced charge spectroscopy) were explained clearly. It was found that the avalanche multiplication was caused by the distortion of neutrality of the plasma column around the p-body/drain junction. Under the strong avalanche multiplication condition, it could be regenerative. The existence of Q/sub TH/ in EPICS spectra may be explained by the mechanism. The influence of the penetration range of the incident ions is discussed. >