Chapter 2 – Radio waves and propagation

Publisher Summary The nature of radio signals and the way they travel are the key factors in cellular systems. The frequencies to be used are chosen because of many factors, some of which are technical and others resulting from spectrum allocation issues. Radio signals are electromagnetic waves. They consist of the same basic type of radiation as light, ultraviolet and infrared rays, differing from them in wavelengths and frequencies. These waves are quite complicated in their makeups and have both electric and magnetic components that are inseparable. The planes of these fields are at right angles to one another and to the direction of motion of the wave. Technical issues play a key role in determining many features associated with cellular networks and are thus of great importance. The nature of the signals, the way they travel, and the way they are influenced by their surroundings play a major part in determining how a network is planned. As they contain both electric and magnetic elements, it is necessary to analyze these fields before electromagnetic waves.