Multi-objective Discrete Chemical Reaction Optimization Algorithm for Multiple-product Partial U-shaped Disassembly Line Balancing Problem

A reasonable disassembly line structure and layout are particularly important in advancing disassembly technology. In this work, destructive and non-destructive disassembly modes are considered in multiple-product partial U-shaped disassembly-line-balancing. A mathematical model is established to maximize disassembly profit and minimize disassembly energy consumption for a U-shaped disassembly line. A multi-objective discrete chemical reaction optimization algorithm is then proposed to solve it. A crowded distance mechanism and elitist strategy are designed to obtain non-dominated solutions to accelerate its the convergence speed. The established model and proposed algorithm are applied in a ballpoint pen and radio set cases, and its superiority on a U-shaped disassembly line is verified by comparing it with two commonly used optimization methods.

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