I&EC'S NEW ROLE AND FEATURES: Starting Its 57st Year, It Offers Additional Service Including Contents Pages of ACS Journals

ONE YEAR AGO, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry celebrated a golden anniversary. This "industrial journal," to borrow a phrase of a half century ago, has been the inspiration for at least four other ACS publications, as all have emerged from it as time and circumstances dictated. R~EC 's history since its establishment in 1909 has been featured by editorial leadership which met, indeed anticipated, in many instances, the forward-looking needs of a dynamic profession. This profession of industrial chemists and chemical engineers has created a wonderment of various chemical process industries which today forms one of the largest segments of American industry. The first 50 years of R~EC were marked by extensive expansion of services. This was particularly true in the period 1923—58. Such expansion in the original conception of the "industrial journal" usually took the form of new editions. Later these became completely separate publications. In other words, as the fledglings grew up they left ...