Insights from 20 years of research in the Entlebuch UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

The 50th anniversary of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme coincides with the 20th anniversary of the Entlebuch UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (EBR) in Switzerland. While the MAB research framework has remained fairly constant since the EBR was established, the role of research in our institution and the ways it has been managed and implemented have changed significantly. After 20 years of research in the EBR, this is an opportune moment to highlight outputs, outcomes and impacts, and to draw conclusions regarding future challenges and developments for parks and their managements. Profile

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[5]  Florian Knaus Charakteristiken von Gästen in vier Schweizer Naturpärken und deren touristisch induzierte Wertschöpfung: Untersuchungen anhand des Parc Jura vaudois, Parc Ela, Naturpark Gantrisch und Landschaftspark Binntal , 2018 .

[6]  D. Siegrist,et al.  The Economic Impact of Labeled Regional Products: The Experience of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Entlebuch , 2017, Mountain Research and Development.

[7]  M. Reed Conservation (In)Action: Renewing the Relevance of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves , 2016 .

[8]  A. Schmid,et al.  UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch : Modell für eine nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung? Konzept Zielerreichungskontrolle , 2004 .

[9]  Thomas Scheurer Das MAB-6-Projekt der UNESCO: Von der Ökosystemforschung zum MAB Biosphere Reserve , 2020 .

[10]  M. Hunziker,et al.  Akzeptanz, Identifikation und Engagement: Ergebnisse und Implikationen aus einer Bevölkerungsumfrage in acht UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in der Schweiz, Deutschland und Österreich , 2020 .

[11]  F. Knaus Lessons learnt from a monitoring endeavour in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Entlebuch , 2013 .

[12]  O. Schroth,et al.  Developing New Images of Rurality Interactive 3 D Visualizations for Participative Landscape Planning Workshops in the Entlebuch UNESCO Biosphere Reserve , 2006 .