A Guidebook for Airport Winter Operations

This report serves to help managers, operators, and users of small to large airport facilities prepare for, operate during, and recover from disruptive winter events as well as manage airport user expectations. The guidebook identifies and evaluates best practices in airport airside and landside winter operations, as well as provides guidance on how to manage overall passenger experience within a framework of safety and efficiency. The guidebook also provides guidance to airport operators on determining the optimal level of investment necessary to implement an effective program given expected winter conditions and the nature of the aviation activity at that particular airport. Chapter titles include: Relationships as the Foundation for Winter Operations Success; FAA Requirements and Guidance Related to Winter Operations; Regulation of Winter Operation Impacts on Stormwater; Historical Winter Storm Event Data; Winter Operations Performance Measurement; Winter Operations Baseline and Performance Targets; Winter Operations Best Practices; Snow and Ice Control Plan Best Practices; Snow Clearing Operations and Preventive Measures/Ice Prevention Best Practices; Runway Surface Assessment and Reporting Best Practices; Winter Operations Performance Evaluation; Investment to Reduce Snow Removal Equipment Runway Occupancy Time; and Selecting Winter Operations Improvement Alternatives.