Ubiquitous Learning Solutions for Remote Communities -- A Case Study for K-12 Classes in a Romanian Village

This paper presents preliminary results from experimental u-learning solutions designed to blend different paradigms and technologies, including cloud services. The technical objective was to evaluate the most cost-effective technological solutions for a remote and isolated rural community, having non-permanent internet connection and scarce financial resources. The learning objective was to provide a rural school community with ubiquitous access to knowledge related to forgotten traditional crafts. The educational content was designed by a group of professors and technicians from National University of Arts (NUA) Bucharest. The experiments have been supported by and undertaken within the research grant PN II - “Maps of Time”. The paper presents key technical aspects of the solutions, a preliminary evaluation after a 6 month experimentation of the solution with a target group comprising 10 children and 4 school teachers, and also a perspective over the future work.