A description is given of the recent performance of the LEAR storage ring. This includes the improvements made on the ultra-slow extraction (time structure, flux limitation), the progress on the semi-slow extraction (-500 ps) at 61.2 MeV/c, and the results obtained from internal jet target operation at momenta higher than 800 MeV/c. 1. INTRODUCTION Since 1982, LEAR has been running with ultra-slow extraction providing fluxes of 3.103 to 1.106 antiprotons per second to physics experiments. The new experiments installed since 1988 asked for fluxes of more than lo6 antiprotons per second with a better duty factor (> 95%). The results obtained by adding a small air core quadrupole in the machine to counteract the horizontal tune fluctuations at harmonics of 50 Hz are described. As the fine structure (in the nanosecond range) is also important, some measurements are also reported. One of the major improvements of the machine is the deceleration and extraction of antiprotons at 61.2 MeV/c (2 MeV kinetic energy). A special semi-slow extraction setup (500 ps corresponding to the post decelerator pulse) is presented. The first test made with protons and the expectations for the future are reviewed. Finally an internal jet target has been installed in LEAR at momenta between I and 2 GeV/c. The implication for the machine, the results of the first year of operation and the improvements foreseen are shown. 2. THE ULTRA-SLOW EXTRACTION This extmction is of the resonant type, where the third order resonance 3 QH = 7 is used. The centre of the beam stack is tuned to Q, = 2.325 and the horizontal chromaticity to 0.6. The particles are driven to the resonance by applying an RF noise signal to the beam, with a well defined bandwidth around an harmonic of the revolution frequency. This noise covers the resonance frequency and the upper frequency of the distribution of the circulating particles [ 11. The lower side of the noise moves into the stack with a speed depending on the extraction time needed, the width and shape of the beam distribution. At first, this distribution was made rectangular prior to extraction to obtain a quasi constant extracted flux over the whole spill. As the fluxes now required by the users have increased drastically, the number of particles in the stack has also increased. At low momenta (< 309 MeV/c) diffusion processes such as intra-beam scattering alter the distribution and increase …