Man in a Cold Environments Physiological and Pathological Effects of Exposure to low Temperatures

Following an introductory chapter, he writes a practical accountconcerningprinciples of training in psychoanalysis. In the third chapter he ably illustrates from his case histories the subject of internal conflict and anxiety. Next he discussesthe prolongedstudy of a comparativelynormal girl, aged two a half years, who had an operation for umbilical hernia under exceptionally good conditions, but who neverthelesssuffered from profound psychologicaldisturbances. The fifth chapter describes psychoanalytical findings in a young woman suffering from post-encephalitic parkinsonism, thus throwing detailed light on what could be called a psychosomaticcase. In the final chapter the author discusses his own contribution to the theory of mentaldevelopmentconcerninginteractionbetweenhandand mouth during babyhood.