On the description and modelling of glacimarine sediments and sedimentation

Abstract Models of glacimarine environments fall into two categories: (a) qualitative summaries of the depositional record; and (b) quantitative models of the physical processes of glacimarine sedimentation and their rates of operation. Qualitative approaches include descriptive vertical lithofacies profiles and models derived from observations of two- or three-dimensional sedimentary or seismic facies changes. Qualitative models are based on observations in modern glacimarine environments where the processes and settings are relatively well constrained, or on sedimentary or seismic investigations of Cenozoic and pre-Cenozoic successions. Some represent hypothetical sedimentary facies associations based on intuitive reasoning in the absence of observations (e.g. beneath ice shelves). Quantitative process and rate models can be based on theory or empirical data. The nature and rate of sedimentation beneath ice shelves has been modelled quantitatively. Scaled-down laboratory models, for example of iceberg melting, have also been used experimentally. Process models linking different parts of the glacimarine system are an important future research area.

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