Chromosome 1 loci in Finnish schizophrenia families.

We have earlier reported evidence for linkage to two regions on chromosome 1q32--q42 in schizophrenia families collected for two separate studies in Finland. Here we report the results of a fine mapping effort aimed at further definition of the chromosomal region of interest using a large, population-based study sample (221 families, 557 affected individuals). Most affecteds (78%) had a DSM-IV schizophrenia diagnosis and the remaining had schizophrenia spectrum disorders. We genotyped a total of 147 microsatellite markers on a wide 45 cM region of chromosome 1q. The results were analyzed separately for families originating from an internal isolate of Finland and for families from the rest of Finland, as well as for all families jointly. We used traditional two-point linkage analysis, SimWalk2 multipoint analysis and a novel gamete-competition association/linkage method. Evidence for linkage was obtained for one locus in the combined sample (Z(max) = 2.71, D1S2709) and in the nuclear families from outside the internal isolate (Z(max) = 3.21, D1S2709). In the families from the internal isolate the strongest evidence for linkage was obtained with markers located 22 cM centromeric from this marker (Z(max) = 2.30, D1S245). Multipoint analysis also indicated these loci. Some evidence for association with several markers was observed using the gamete-competition method. Interestingly, the strongest evidence for linkage in the combined study sample was obtained for marker D1S2709, which is an intragenic marker of the DISC1 gene, previously suggested as a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia. These results are consistent with the presence of susceptibility gene(s) in this chromosomal region, a result also implied in other recent family studies of schizophrenia.

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