Measuring Leader Attributes in the Army Reconnaissance Course

Abstract : Meeting the Soldier-centered intent of the Army Learning Model (ALM) has many challenges, including conducting assessments. Without effective assessment methodologies, instructors will not be able to provide students with tailored learning experiences. This research describes the development of a prototype, proof-of-concept measurement and assessment system for the Army Reconnaissance Course (ARC) to meet assessment challenges. The ARC, with a focus on the development of leader attributes, is one example of an Army course that has been revised to implement ALM principles. The ARC-Performance Assessment Toolkit (PAT) was developed to aid instructors in consistently and reliably assessing the 21st Century Soldier Competencies and meets specific course requirements by providing a reliable mechanism for tracking student progress. The findings from an initial evaluation of the tool suggest that the ARC instructors found the ARC-PAT to be of help in addressing some of their assessment challenges. Although several modifications and enhancements are needed for the tool to be fully functional within the course, this research represents a step forward in meeting the intent of the ALM.