PMMA microlens array fabricated by indentation process

This work reports the fabrication of a PMMA-based spherical microlens array (MLA), targeting application of Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor for lens characterization. The array present 10 by 10 elements, with f-number f/# = f/10 (1 mm diameter, 10 mm focal length). The fabrication method employs a computer-controlled mechanical indentation for the fabrication of an insert mold, and subsequent replication by injection molding on PMMA. After replication and de-molding, the PMMA surface containing the negative of the phase profile of the lens array was evaluated by optical profilometry technique, in terms of the surface quality as well as the replication fidelity. The RMS surface roughness level of approximately (λ/10) was found, considering operation in the visible range of spectrum. Optical characterization was based on the evaluation of the sharpness, FWHM, and maximum intensity, IMAX, values associated to the profiles of each of the 100 generated light spots, obtained in the back focal plane of the MLA. An average sharpness of FWHMAVG = 13.9 ± 8% μm, and average maximum intensity of IMAX AVG = 0.72 ± 7% a.u. was obtained.