Next steps for IBM Watson Oncology: Scalability to additional malignancies.

6618 Background: We reported on the development of IBM Watson Oncology, a cognitive computing system designed to inform clinical decision making. The initial prototype demonstrated results (Bach, Proc ASCO 2013) in lung cancers, including the complexities of natural language processing. Here, we report the experience scaling the tool to additional cancers using an alternative method of attribute collection. Methods: Memorial Sloan Kettering and IBM’s continued collaboration now includes the creation of electronic decision support prototypes for colon, rectal, bladder, pancreatic, kidney, ovarian, cervical and endometrial cancers. To date, each prototype has been created with IBM Watson and trained by Memorial Sloan Kettering physicians by identifying key attributes common to all cancers (e.g., stage, age) and specific to individual cancers (e.g., high risk features for stage II colon cancer), manually entering attribute and candidate treatment answer combinations, and ranking treatments as preferred, acce...