Fatigue of Materials — 2nd edition. S. Suresh. Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU. 1998. 679 pp. Illustrated. £27.95.
In writing the first edition of his book, published in 1991, Professor Suresh had three main objectives. Firstly, to present an integrated treatment, in as quantitative terms as possible, of the mechanics, physics and micromechanisms of cyclic deformation, crack initiation and crack growth caused by fatigue. Secondly, to provide a useful scientific basis for understanding the fatigue behaviours of metals, non-metals and composites. Finally, to develop a balanced perspective of the various approaches to fatigue, with a critical analysis of the significance and limitations of each approach. In my review of the first edition (Int J Fatigue, 1992, 14, (136)), I concluded that he had largely achieved his objectives.