Models of Mental Disorders: A New Comparative Psychiatry
I. Fundamental Basis and Justification for a New Comparative Psychiatry.- 1. Historical Perspective.- History.- Summary of Key Points.- References.- 2. Philosophical Basis for the Development of Animal Models for Psychiatric Illnesses.- What Are Models?.- General Kinds of Animal Models.- Behavioral Similarity Models.- Theory-Driven Models.- Mechanistic Models.- Empirical Validity Models.- The Homology-Analogy Issue.- Why Have Animal Models?.- Animal Modeling Research in Relationship to Other Approaches in Psychiatric Research.- Limitations of Animal Models.- Evaluation of Animal Models.- Summary of Key Points.- References.- II. Four Illustrative Case Examples.- 3. Animal Models for Affective Disorders.- History.- Clinical Considerations.- Pharmacological Models of Depression.- Separation Models.- Neurobiological Effects of Maternal Separation.- Peer Separation Studies.- Separation Models: Rationale and Role in Modeling Studies.- Uncontrollability Models.- Chronic Stress Models.- Changes in Dominance Hierarchy.- Intracranial Self-Stimulation.- Conditioned Motionlessness.- Behavioral Despair.- Animal Models for Mania.- Amphetamine-Induced Hyperactivity.- Morphine.- Other Drug-Induced Behaviors.- Non-Drug-Induced Behaviors in Relation to Models of Mania.- 6-Hydroxydopamine Models of Mania.- Summary of Key Points.- References.- 4. Animal Models for Anxiety Disorders.- Clinical Context.- Animal Models of Anxiety.- Operant Conditioning Paradigms.- A Model Based on Alteration of Locus Coeruleus Function.- A Model Based on Studies of Aplysia.- Models Based Primarily on Social Manipulations.- Phobias and Other Neuroses.- General Discussion and Conclusions.- Summary of Key Points.- References.- 5. Animal Models for Schizophrenic Disorders.- The Clinical Syndrome.- Clinical Diagnosis.- Criteria for Evaluating Animal Models of Schizophrenia.- Drug-Induced Models.- Amphetamine and Psychostimulant Models.- Phenylethylamine Models.- Hallucinogen Models.- Noradrenergic Reward System Deficit.- Conditioned-Avoidance-Response Model.- Arousal Models.- Summary of Key Points.- References.- 6. Animal Models for Alcoholism.- Genetic Studies.- Techniques Used to Induce Animals to Self-Administer Alcohol.- Electrical Stimulation and Intracerebral Injections.- Schedule-Induced Polydipsia.- Intravenous Self-Administration.- Intragastric Self-Administration.- Restriction of All Liquid to Ethanol Solutions.- Forced Administration followed by Free Choice.- Experimental Stressors and Alcohol Intake in Animals.- Effects of Stressors in Intoxicated Subjects.- Ethanol Effects in Stressed Subjects.- Effect of Stress on the Intake of Alcohol.- Drugs and Ethanol Intake.- Other Variables Influencing Ethanol Intake in Animals.- Alcohol Addiction in Monkeys and Young Chimpanzees.- Summary of Key Points.- References.- III. Perspectives on the Animal Modeling Field.- 7. Future Tasks.- The Animal Rights Movement.- Conceptual Tasks within the Field.- Development of a Basic Science of Animal Modeling.- Mainstreaming within Psychiatry.- Recognition of the Interactive and Multivariate Nature of Psychopathology.- Recognition of the Limitations of Animal Modeling Research.- 8. Conclusions.