Integrating Human and Computer Intelligence

implzcations for decelopmental psychology of the prospect of human-computer inteiligent systems, ~ h i c h can u,ork together to soi'~e problems, learn. and develop. The thesis to be explored in this chapter is that advances in compute applications and artificial intelligence have important implications fo the study of development and learning in psychology. I begin bx reviewing current approaches to the use of computers as devices fo solving problems. reasoning, and thinking. I then raise questions con cerning the integration of computer-based intelligence with humar intelligence to seme human development and the processes of education Expert Systems and Intelligent Tutoring Systems Until recently, written texts have been the principal means fo: storing the knowledge needed to solve complex problems. Computer: have provided a radically new medium for storing and making use o expert knowledge. Expert systems are programs that embody thc k n o ~ ~ l e d g e of experts in making judgments in a field. Such system: emulate the reasoning and problem-solving abilities of human experts and they are widely used as advisory aids in human decision making They vary greatly in their representations of knowledge, its accessibil ity, its ease of modification, and in the degree to which it attempts tc

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