This paper presents a simple method for structural optimization with frequency constraints. The structure is modelled by a fine mesh of finite elements. At the end of each eigenvalue analysis, part of the material is removed from the structure so that the frequencies of the resulting structure will be shifted towards a desired direction. A sensitivity number indicating the optimum locations for such material elimination is derived. This sensitivity number can be easily calculated for each element using the information of the eigenvalue solution. The significance of such an evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) method lies in its simplicity in achieving shape and topology optimization for both static and dynamic problems. In this paper, the ESO method is applied to a wide range of frequency optimization problems, which include maximizing or minimizing a chosen frequency of a structure, keeping a chosen frequency constant, maximizing the gap of arbitrarily given two frequencies, as well as considerations of multiple frequency constraints. The proposed ESO method is verified through several examples whose solutions may be obtained by other methods.
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Topology and Shape Optimization Methods for Structural Dynamic Problems
N. Kikuchi,et al.
Solutions to shape and topology eigenvalue optimization problems using a homogenization method
Y. Xie,et al.
A simple evolutionary procedure for structural optimization
Ichiro Hagiwara,et al.
Static and vibrational shape and topology optimization using homogenization and mathematical programming
Pauli Pedersen,et al.
Optimal Design with Advanced Materials
R. Cook,et al.
Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis
Ramana V. Grandhi,et al.
Structural optimization with frequency constraints - A review
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A simple approach to structural frequency optimization
Grant P. Steven,et al.
Optimal design of multiple load case structures using an evolutionary procedure