시뮬레이션을 통한 사무소 건물의 이코노마이저 방식별 성능평가

Korea determined medium-term reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 30% in comparison with BAU(Business As Usual). In order to achieve the objective, prepared with sectoral, industrial and annual goals. The building sector is progressing many promotion strategies and projects to achieve reduction goal by 26.9%. The building sector account for 18.2% of the total energy consumption, cooling and heating energy is the most consumed. Therefore many efforts is progressing to reduce cooling and heating energy. In case of non-residential building a lot of cooling load, it is important to design energy saving HVAC system. Economizer is one of energy saving method for HVAC system. The purpose of this study is a comparative study the energy consumptions using a simulation program(Energy plus) for each type of Economizer.