Study on Task Allocation Model and Algorithm for multi-UCAV Cooperative Control

Task aIIocation is one of the core steps to effectiveIy expIoit the capabiIities of cooperative controI of muIti-UCAV . Factors that effect the three key tacticaI objects , target vaIue damage , UCAV attritions and task expending time are anaIy z ed . By integrating the two ty picaI instances in combat , that is muIti-UCAV attacking the same target simuItaneousIy and using soft kiII weapon sy stems , a muIti- UCAV cooperation task aIIocation modeI for attacking task is formuIated . A new aIgorithm based on the principIes of particIe swarm optimiz ation is proposed . SimuIation resuIts indicate that the task aIIocation modeI formuIated in this paper is rationaI and the PSO based aIgorithm is effective .