Extraction of Features in key frames of News Video for Content-based Retrieval
The aim of this paper is to extract features from each news scenes for example, symbol icon which can be distinct each broadcasting corp, icon and caption which are has feature and important information for the scene in respectively, In this paper, we propose extraction methods of caption that has important prohlem of news videos and it can be classified in three steps, First of al!, we converted that input images from video frame to YIQ color vector in first stage. And then, we divide input image into regions in clear hy using equalized color histogram of input image, In last, we extracts caption using edge histogram based on vertical and horizontal line, We also propose the method which can extract news icon in selected key frames by the difference of inter-histogram and can divide each scene by the extracted icon. In this paper, we used comparison method of edge histogram instead of complex methcxls based on color histogram or wavelet or moving objects, so we shorten computation through using simpler algorithm. and we shown good result of feature's extraction.