Estudo descritivo do inventário do treino técnico-desportivo do tenista: resultados parciais segundo o 'ranking'

A descriptive study of the “Technical Training Questionnaire for Tennis Players”: partial results according to ranking. The technical development of young tennis players is obtained with the exercise of sets of techniques, which are required for the optimal performance: techniques of definition (GD) and preparation (GP). The goal of this study was investigate how the technical training of young tennis players from Brazil (13 to 16 years of age), who participated in competitions of the Brazilian Tennis Federation, was performed during the year of 2003. Further, we wanted to describe possible differences between players ranked among the 10 best players in Brazil (TR), and players not ranked among the 10 best players in Brazil (TS). After applying the Tennis Technical Questionnaire (5), a significant difference was found in the frequency of training between GP e GD [TR (t(63)= 13.6; p = 0.0001); TS (t = 10.6; gl = 165) p = 0.0001)]. There was a significant difference (p < 0.01) between the two groups of athletes; the GP are trained more frequently (p < 0.01). There was a significant difference when TR and TS are compared, as GP are trained more frequently than GD. These results suggest a precocious specialization of the technical training performed by young tennis players.